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Pathway is a very clever, very dynamic company, focusing on algorithmics to prepare for better and smoother logistics and supply chains. Their talent and their knowledge is outstanding. We are very proud to launch a close collaboration.

Markus Sontheimer
CIO/CDO & Member of the Board of Management, DB Schenker

The Business case

DB Schenker offers a visibility platform to its clients. Until recently, the value of visibility was limited to tracking. Unlocking the value of this data meant expensive and lengthy projects. These turned to be one-off data science projects.

How to increase OTIF? DB Schenker was determined to answer the needs of its clients. Information about risks of damage to cargo or transport planning was missing. This inhibited the strategic decision process at DB Schenker.

How did Pathway™ help?

After feeding raw IoT data into Pathway™, DB Schenker received:

Anomaly detection: sudden change of mode of transport, rerouting, idling, damage to cargo etc., without the need to pre-define alert rules

Automatic risk assessment: highlighting places where transports accumulate delays & shocks, transport with significant shocks/vibrations

Automatic identification of underperforming, and/or malfunctioning sensors

Automatic detection and precise mapping of geofences

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Other success stories

La Poste

Postal Services

La Poste reduced the cost of their IoT deployment by 50%. And got analytics on a click for La Poste’ containers to enhance their operations.

reduced by


cost of their IoT deployment

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